Another Perfect Plant: Sutherland Hebe
Hebe pinguifolia 'Sutherlandii', like most hebes, originally comes from New Zealand. Although hebes are generally not considered to be very cold hardy, 'Sutherlandii' is one of the most hardy, withstanding lows down to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. This short, rounded, well-kept shrub will grow to about 18" to 20" tall, forming half-spheres in the landscape. The compact and tidy nature of the shrub, combined with blue-green foliage and white flowers, makes it a valuable hedging or accent plant in the garden. If there is winter damage or the overall appearance is untidy, hebes can be removed to the ground and allowed to re-sprout from the roots.
For More Information:
Victoria University of Wellington
Hebe Society
The Telegraph
Photo Credits:
David Leeman
Paul Cady